We offer more than 5000 Footbal
and Ice Hockey matches from over 75 countries!
Complete sports data for bookmakers. We can provide you with a selection of Live bets and a significantly large number of unique support bets than our competitors do. This is an advantage not just for the comfort of player betting, but also demonstrably increases your profit. Try out one of the widest range of support bets in the market!
Selection of odds, support bets, results and statistics for sports events.
We are continuously expanding our range of leagues, competitions and individual matches. We focus on globally popular sports: soccer and ice hockey. For ice hockey matches, we offer unique support bets for power-play.
Dozens of scouts process data for BLS, which they continuously monitor and assess the course of matches. Our odds are updated with minimum delay.
The graph clearly shows a marked difference in the number of matches provided over the course of the day when using BLS.
The benefits of using BLS are seen especially at times when no European competitions are taking place.
Note: Note: the number of matches curve corresponds to (GMT+01:00).
The use of BLS is proven to increase the number of bets, your turnover and thus also profit.
Note: Data from 3/2015 European Countries – all sports. Comparison of the standard range of matches with a range including BLS.
In comparison with our competitors, we have up to twice as many side bet options per match.These include more than 170 support bets for soccer and 73 for ice hockey.
Commissioning and implementing your BLS selection is very easy. Integration is possible within any platform and you can begin to use it immediately.
The mathematical and statistical methods used in our solution means we can eliminate the number of so-called bet stops to almost zero. As such, you can offer players the comfort of unlimited betting over the course of the whole match. This results in a marked increase in bets placed.
We are able to adjust the selection of data supplied to your local market. We focus on lower leagues, regional matches and tournaments. We’ll prepare a tailor-made offer for you. This will give you competitive advantages compared to other betting companies operating in your region.
We can also provide you with so-called trackers for individual matches. These are animations with information on the course of matches, increasing player comfort in closing bets. We provide trackers as an additional service.
We offer a very simple and fair proposal. € 15 per match or 20 % of GGR.
What we are proud of
100+ in house developers.
120 mil.Game transactions on a monthly basis
21years of experience.
3Branches: Prague, Brno, Katowice