Betsys sees mobile applications as the most important trend in sportsbook betting. What is important:
All is included in our applications!
Notification messages is the most valuable marketing channel of the last year.
Use possibilities of mobile device Only this brings the benefits of app.
Each player is different Allow to clients freedom in personalization.
Stream - modern way to download A step ahead in data transfer speeds.
Do everything for your players. Arrange a unique mobile solution for them so they can bet wherever they may be …
Full client account access Checking and changing data anywhere, anytime
Focusing on detail Placing a bet is crucial moment.
App can be individually modified
If the native app is not enough for you, use our basic solution for Mobile betting - build on web technology
What we are proud of
100+ in house developers.
120 mil.Game transactions on a monthly basis
21Years of experience
3Branches: Prague, Brno, Katowice